How a Site Analysis of Your New Rural Home Should Be Performed

Getting a site analysis of a residential building site in a rural area is quite different than one in an urban area. The landscape and the vegetation are far more important factors than surrounding structures and the circulation of pedestrians and traffic. To know what to expect from your new rural property, you should be aware of how these sites are evaluated.


One of the most important things to note in the analysis is the access to the site; it's quite important that the site is easy for you to access. The nearest road to the site should be noted in the analysis. If it's only a dirt road leading nowhere passing the site, you should expect to get the property to a lower price than the original estimate. It should also be noted where the road leads and if it there are any plans to make it better in the future. In this section, it should also be stated how far it is from the nearest bus or train station and if there are any local buses running.


Being aware of the surrounding environment and its implementations on your future home is of utmost importance to make sure you're getting a house that will fit into the environment. The analyst should have noted what to make of surrounding hills. If the ground for the building site itself is flat, but the hills surrounding it are high or steep, you might have found a property that is likely to be flooded and hard to build on due to an excessive amount of water in the ground. This should also be in the analysis. Also take note of how many trees they believe need to be removed beforehand, as this can add quite substantially to the cost of construction.

Surrounding Structures

The analysis should also state what they are planning in regards to surrounding buildings. One way to find out if the analyst has done a thorough job is to see if they have discussed the building with the neighbours about how they're feeling about their house and how they're affected by the weather in the area. This will give you personal information that might be more valuable than any of the information based on the analyst's opinion or neutral analysis.

If you have any other questions, consider contacting a site analysis specialist to learn more about what to expect from a rural site analysis.
