How to find out if you need to get a professional cleaner to take a look at your air ducts

Air ducts are parts of your home that many people overlook when it comes to cleaning. As it's difficult to determine whether or not a duct system is dirty or not, it might be overlooked when you're trying to improve the cleanliness and air quality of your home. Cleaning an air duct system is something that should be carried out by a professional cleaning contractor, as it requires certain tools and a certain level of expertise. [Read More]

Five Types of Commercial Roofing Systems

If you are planning on upgrading your commercial roof, you have a few different materials and systems to choose from. Each of these commercial roofs is ideal for flat roofs, which are more common with commercial buildings. Built-Up Roofing (BUR) One of the more common types of flat roofs for commercial buildings is the built-up roofing (BUR) option. BUR use multiple layers of reinforcing fabric and bitumen and are sometimes referred to as tar and gravel roofs. [Read More]

Landscaping? Hire An Excavator To Make These Gardening Duties Easier

Starting a garden, planning to resuscitate your neglected backyard or planning to make major installations? If so, make your work easier by hiring an excavator. An excavator is very versatile piece of earthmoving machinery that can make light work of heavy tasks. Its use will improve safety, reduce work time and help you accomplish even the most challenging tasks as you work on your garden. Below, discover the different landscaping jobs an excavator can help you with. [Read More]

Residential Window Tinting FAQs

Window tinting refers to the application of a micro-thin film material on window glass surfaces, often with the aim of reducing the amount of sunlight that penetrates through the window into various living quarters. Window tinting also helps with the heat retention capacity of residential windows for cooler living areas during the winter. Below are answers to a few questions that homeowners often have with regards to window tinting. How Does Window Tinting Enhance Safety? [Read More]